
APA Tax Relief & Tax Resolution

IRS expands advance pricing agreement procedures to include other issues relevant to transfer pricing
Rev Proc 2008-31, 2008-23 IRB
In a Revenue Procedure, IRS has expanded the procedures under which taxpayers secure an advance pricing agreement (APA) to include additional types of issues that may be resolved in the APA process.

Background. An APA generally combines a voluntary agreement between a taxpayer and IRS on an appropriate transfer pricing methodology (TPM) for covered transactions with an agreement between the U.S. and one or more foreign tax authorities that the TPM is correct. This kind of bilateral APA assures the taxpayer that the income from the transactions will not be subject to double taxation by the U.S. and the foreign tax authority. IRS and taxpayers also may execute unilateral APAs, which are agreements establishing an approved transfer pricing methodology for U.S. tax purposes. A unilateral APA binds the taxpayer and IRS, but does not prevent foreign tax bodies from taking different positions. If a transaction covered by a unilateral APA is subject to double taxation as the result of an adjustment by a foreign tax administration, the taxpayer may seek relief by requesting that the U.S. Competent Authority consider initiating a mutual agreement proceeding, provided there is an applicable income tax treaty in force with the other country. The APA process is voluntary. Taxpayers submit an application for an APA, together with a user fee.

IRS has now updated Rev Proc 2006-9, 2006-2 IRB 278, which contains the procedures for applying for an APA.

Updated procedures. In Rev Proc 2008-31, IRS modifies the procedures in Rev Proc 2006-9 to state that the APA program also provides a process by which IRS and taxpayers may resolve other issues than transfer pricing arising under certain income tax treaties, the Code, or the regs for which transfer pricing principles may be relevant. For example, these issues would include: attribution of profits to a permanent establishment under an income tax treaty, determining the amount of income effectively connected with the conduct by the taxpayer of a trade or business within the U.S., and determining the amounts of income derived from sources partly within and partly without the U.S., as well as related subsidiary issues.

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