
Articles Posted in IRS Problem


Specialized tax breaks for the farming industry

Tax provisions directly affecting farmers in the Heartland, Habitat, Harvest, and Horticulture Act of 2008 The recently enacted “Heartland, Habitat, Harvest, and Horticulture Act of 2008” (the 2008 Farm Act) contains a package of tax changes including specialized tax breaks for the farming industry (along with a crackdown on farm…


Military Personnel Tax Benefits

Pension plan benefits for military personnel in the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008 The recently enacted “Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008” (the 2008 Heroes Act) provides several important pension plan benefits for military personnel. Specifically, the Act makes the following pension plan…


Triangular Reorganizations Tax Resolution

Temporary regs curb abuses in triangular reorganizations involving foreign corporations T.D. 9400, 05/23/2008, Reg. § 1.367(a)-3T, Reg. § 1.367(b)-14T, Preamble to Prop Reg 05/23/2008 IRS has issued temporary (along with final and proposed regs) under Code Sec. 367(b) to curb abusive triangular reorganizations involving foreign corporationssometimes referred to as “Killer…


IRS Employment / Payroll Tax Focus

IRS focusing efforts on four employment tax initiatives American Payroll Association 26th Annual Congress May 13-17 (Austin, TX) John Tuzynski, IRS Chief, Employment Tax Operations, told attendees at APA’s 26th Annual Congress that the IRS is focusing its efforts on the following four key employment tax initiatives: (1) worker classification,…


Benefits of Passthrough Entities

Which tax-free and tax-favored fringe benefits are passthrough owners entitled to? Partnerships, LLCs treated as partnerships, and S corporations have distinct tax and nontax advantages. However, entrepreneurs considering these forms of business should be aware that fewer tax-free and tax-favored fringe benefits are available to owner-entrepreneurs of passthroughs than to…

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