Articles Posted in Back Taxes

Understanding IRS Letter 725-B: Notice of Appointment to a Field Revenue Officer for Investigation

The IRS Letter 725-B, also known as the Notice of Appointment to a Field Revenue Officer (RO) for Investigation, is a formal communication from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) indicating that a taxpayer’s case has been assigned to a revenue officer for further investigation. This letter is part of the IRS’s efforts to ensure compliance with tax laws, address back taxes and to resolve outstanding tax issues.

What is IRS Letter 725-B?
The IRS Letter 725-B is sent to taxpayers to inform them that an RO – revenue officer will be handling their case. This letter is typically issued when there are significant tax issues that require in-depth investigation and resolution. The letter will include details about the appointment, such as the date, time, and location of the meeting with the revenue officer.

Call our tax representation firm for immediate help at 1-877-788-2937.

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Welcome to our comprehensive FAQ help guide on the IRS Fresh Start Program!

Widely advertised on TV, radio and internet.

Dealing with tax issues can be overwhelming, but the Fresh Start Program is designed to provide taxpayers with a second chance. In this article, we’ll answer your most pressing helpful questions about this initiative, explaining its purpose, eligibility requirements, benefits, and how to apply. Whether you’re struggling with back taxes or facing a hefty tax bill, the Fresh Start Program offers potential relief and a path towards financial stability. So, let’s dive in and shed light on this valuable program.

What is the IRS Fresh Start Program?
The IRS Fresh Start Program is an initiative introduced by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to assist taxpayers who are struggling to meet their tax obligations. It aims to provide relief to individuals and small businesses by offering them manageable payment plans and tax debt resolution options. The program encompasses various provisions, including the Fresh Start Installment Agreement, Offer in Compromise, and Penalty Relief.

Contact us for tax representation help today.

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As a trucker, filing taxes can be a daunting task. The paperwork, deadlines, and complex tax laws can leave you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your tax obligations. However, failing to file your taxes can have severe consequences, including back taxes, penalties, and even legal action. If you are struggling with back taxes, it is essential to seek professional help to avoid further financial hardship.

Back taxes refer to taxes that were not paid in previous years or taxes that were underpaid. In the case of truckers, back taxes can occur due to a variety of reasons, including incorrect reporting of income, failure to file taxes, or errors in tax calculation. The IRS can impose penalties and interest on back taxes, which can add up quickly and result in a significant financial burden.

Get help today, contact our Whittier, Los Angeles, CA firm at 1-877-788-2937.

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Tax anxiety, TAX-IETY, comes in different forms of tax problems such as:

What is an IRS audit tax-iety?

An IRS audit is a review or examination of an individual’s or organization’s tax return to ensure that the information is accurate and that the tax return is being filed in compliance with the tax laws. If the IRS finds errors or discrepancies in the tax return during the audit process, it may result in an adjustment to the tax liability and possibly additional taxes owed, penalties and interest. The IRS may conduct audits through various methods, including correspondence audits, in which the taxpayer is asked to provide additional documentation by mail, or field audits, in which an IRS agent visits the taxpayer’s place of business or home to review the tax return and related records in person. If you are selected for an IRS audit, it is important to cooperate with the process and provide the necessary documentation to support the information reported on your tax return.

Our Whittier, Los Angeles, CA tax representation firm represents audited taxpayers before the IRS & Appeals, contact us today at 1-877-78-TAXES [1-877-788-2937].

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If you were to ask most Californians if they knew what the IRS does, most of them would know exactly what you were talking about. However, if you were to ask the same people if they knew what the California FTB does, I would guess a small number of them would know.

The answer to the question of what the FTB does is? Is quite simple, they are tasked with collecting all of the income taxes assessed by the state of California. The FTB or Franchise Tax Board was created to replace the office of the Franchise Tax Commissioner that was abolished in 1950.

Get FTB help, call our Los Angeles based tax representation firm today at 1-877-78-TAXES [1-877-788-2937].

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Owing back taxes to the IRS or state FTB, EDD, CDTFA can be overwhelming and stressful. It’s not uncommon for individuals and businesses to fall behind on their taxes due to various reasons, such as financial hardship or a lack of understanding of tax laws. However, ignoring the problem can lead to serious consequences, including wage garnishment, bank levies, and even seizing assets.

If you’re in this situation, it’s essential to seek professional help to resolve your back taxes. A tax professional (EA, CPA, Lawyer) can help you navigate the process, negotiate with the IRS or state on your behalf, and help you get back on track.

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TIGTA identified 685,555 taxpayers who had a balance due as of May 14, 2019. These taxpayers reported adjusted gross income (AGI) of $200,000 or more and owed a combined total of $38.5 billion. Because the IRS prioritizes high balance due cases for collection, many of these high-income taxpayers would be included in high-priority work. However, balance dues are not prioritized by incomes earned and some improvements could be made to prioritize high-income taxpayers more effectively. A separate IRS analysis of 64,317 delinquent tax cases showed that the IRS collected less than 50 percent of tax debt owed by these high-income taxpayers within 52 weeks of assignment to Field Collection. The following chart shows that taxpayers having an average AGI of over $1.5 million paid the IRS an average of 39 percent of what they owe. While 39 percent is more than what the IRS predicted it would collect, these high-income taxpayers still owed over $2 billion.

Average AGI of Taxpayers in This Group Balance Due Actual Recovery Rate Remaining Balance Due $1,563,390 $4,009,955,107 39% $2,442,387,519 $98,289 $1,089,010,998 17% $906,586,760 $24,985 $1,157,135,371 12% $1,014,227,292

Get proper representation by power of attorney 1-877-788-2937.

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As any business owner will tell you, there are simply not enough hours in the day, and life as a business owner can be described as ‘busy’ at best.

If you’re running your own business, in Los Angeles, or Orange County, regardless of how large or small your company is, you simply must ensure that you have your books and accounts in order. The IRS doesn’t care about how busy you are, they don’t care about years of backed up bookkeeping, financial worries, or anything else, they simply care about you filing your accurate business tax return annually and paying what you owe.

If you’re busy running a business and, you know, actually trying to have a personal life in the process, you’ll dread tax season as there is mountains of paperwork to sort though, hours upon hours of work involved, and then, for all of your troubles, you get to hand over a large portion of your profits to the IRS. Hooray.

It’s far from ideal, but it’s the way the world turns and if you’re struggling to get your books, records and accounts in order, this article is for you.

Get a free evaluation today 1-877-788-2937.

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IRS has provided updated instructions to taxpayers with respect to the effects of coronavirus – COVID-19 on offers in compromise (OICs).

IRS has the authority to compromise a taxpayer’s tax liability. An OIC is an agreement between the taxpayer and IRS that compromises a taxpayer’s tax debt for less than the full amount owed. IRS will accept an OIC when it is unlikely that the tax liability can be collected in full and the amount offered by the taxpayer reasonably reflects the taxpayer’s collection potential. The goal of an OIC is to collect what is potentially collectible at the earliest possible time and at the least cost to the government.

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In Nina Olson’s recent report to Congress, the head of National Taxpayer Advocate, addressed challenges and concerns facing US taxpayers when dealing with the IRS.

I will only highlight one of her concerns which is releasing IRS bank levies, that’s when the IRS seizes bank accounts of delinquent taxpayers with unpaid back taxes or unfiled tax returns.

In the report to Congress, Nina Olson discussed the impact of the recent government shutdown. A major point of discussion before and during the shutdown was the permissible scope of IRS levies, bank accounts, wages and other enforcement activities. Under the Anti-Deficiency Act, federal funds may not be spent in the absence of an appropriation except where otherwise provided by law. One exception provided by law is for “emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of property”. Although not stated in the law or Justice Department guidance, the IRS Office of Chief Counsel has interpreted the “protection of property” exception to apply only to the protection of government property and not to taxpayers’ property such as bank accounts.

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