IRS Back Taxes Mike Habib, EA You incur IRS back taxes when you haven’t been filing your income tax returns religiously every year. Tax season can be a stressful time and there are a lot of people who tend to overlook the deadlines so they find themselves having to rush…
Tax Relief Blog
Tax Debt Relief
Tax Debt Relief Mike Habib, EA 877-788-2937 If you failed to file your returns and the IRS is already calling your attention so you can pay for back taxes, you need to seek tax debt relief. These back taxes are derived from the SFR (Substitute For Return) filings that the…
Year-end tax planning letter
Year-end tax planning letter Mike Habib, EA As year-end approaches, taxpayers generally are faced with a number of choices that can save taxes this year, next year or both years. Employees too are faced with these choices. However, employees have some special considerations to take into account that retirees and…
Tax Relief for the Unemployed
Tax Impact of Job Loss JOB LOSS CREATES TAX ISSUES The Internal Revenue Service recognizes that the loss of a job may create new tax issues. The IRS provides the following information to assist displaced workers. > Severance pay and unemployment compensation are taxable. Payments for any accumulated vacation or…
Bartering Tax Problem
Do You Barter? Mike Habib, EA Bartering is the trading of one product or service for another. Usually there is no exchange of cash. Barter may take place on an informal one-on-one basis between individuals and businesses, or it can take place on a third party basis through a modern…
Commissioner Doug Shulman address
IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman addressed the National Association of Corporate Directors Governance Conference WASHINGTON — I realize that the IRS Commissioner has not customarily addressed the NACD’s corporate governance conference…but what I want to discuss with you this afternoon is the important role that boards of directors can play in…
US Citizens Residing in Canada Liable for AMT
U.S. Citizens Residing in Canada Liable for AMT Based on Foreign Tax Credit Limitation (Jamieson, CA-DC) Married U.S. citizens residing in Canada were liable for the alternative minimum tax (AMT) because the amount of foreign tax credits they could claim was limited by Code Sec. 59(a)(2) (prior to repeal by…
Year End Tax Update
The following is a summary of the most important tax developments that have occurred in the past three months that may affect you, your family, your investments, and your livelihood. Please call us at 877-788-2937 for more information about any of these developments and what steps you should implement to…
Tax debt help
Tax debt help Mike Habib, EA 877-788-2937 You’re going to need tax debt help if you’re one of the many taxpayers trying to contend with back taxes and tax debts amounting to more than $10,000. While there are people who believe that hiring a professional to help you resolve your…
Method Man Talks About Tax Evasion Arrest
Method Man Talks About Tax Evasion Arrest WATCH IT! The IRS might be looking for you fo rback taxes too!