Articles Posted in IRS Notice

Overview of the tax changes in the Heartland, Habitat, Harvest, and Horticulture Act of 2008

The recently enacted “Heartland, Habitat, Harvest, and Horticulture Act of 2008” (the 2008 Farm Act) contains a package of tax changes including specialized tax breaks for the farming industry (along with a crackdown on farm losses) and new and modified credits related to the production of certain fuels, among other things. Here’s a summary of the key tax provisions in the 2008 Farm Act:

    • Conservation reserve payments made after 2007 are not subject to self-employment tax if received by an individual who is getting Social Security retirement or disability payments.
    • The favorable tax treatment of capital gain property donated for qualified conservation is extended for two years (through 2009).
    • A new deduction is allowed for endangered species recovery expenses incurred after 2008.
    • There is a one-year cut in the tax rate for a corporation’s qualified timber gain. For tax years ending after May 22, 2008 and beginning on or before May 22, 2009, a 15% alternative tax applies on the portion of a corporation’s taxable income that consists of qualified timber gain (or, if less, the net capital gain) for a tax year. In addition the rules for REITs (real estate investment trusts) holding timber property are liberalized temporarily.
    • A new tax credit is created for the development of cellulosic biofuels, which are biofuels produced from agricultural waste, wood chips, switch grass and other non-food feedstocks. This credit, available for fuel produced after 2008 and through 2012, is a nonrefundable income tax credit for each gallon of qualified cellulosic fuel production of the producer for the tax year. The amount of the credit per gallon is $1.01, except for cellulosic biofuel that is alcohol. For cellulosic biofuel that is alcohol, the $1.01 credit amount is reduced by (1) the credit amount applicable for such alcohol under the alcohol mixture credit in effect at the time cellulosic biofuel is produced, and (2) in the case of cellulosic biofuel that is ethanol, the credit amount for small ethanol producers as in effect at the time the cellulosic biofuel fuel is produced.
    • The 51¢ per-gallon incentive for ethanol is reduced to 45¢ per gallon for calendar year 2009 and thereafter. This reduction is subject to an exception geared to ethanol production.
    • A new tax credit is created for agricultural chemicals security. The new law provides retailers of agricultural products and chemicals and manufacturers, formulators, or distributors of certain pesticides a business tax credit for 30% of costs for the protection of such chemicals or pesticides. Such protection costs include employee security training and background checks, installation of security equipment, and computer network safeguards. The credit has a $2 million annual limit and a per facility limitation of $100,000 (reduced by credits received for the five prior tax years). This credit is effective for expenses paid or incurred after May 22, 2008, and before Jan. 1, 2013.
    • Qualifying mutual ditch, reservoir, or irrigation company stock may be eligible for Code Sec. 1031 treatment. This provision is effective for exchanges after May 22, 2008.
    • For property placed in service after 2008 and before 2014, all racehorses are classified as three-year property for depreciation purposes, regardless of their age.
    • Temporary assistance to victims of the 2007 Kansas tornado disaster is provided, including increased ability to deduct personal losses, increased business expense deductions, and help for affected businesses that continued to pay their employees after the disaster struck.
    • The amount of farming losses (other than those arising because of fire, storm losses, etc.) that a taxpayer may use to reduce other non-farming business income is limited for certain taxpayers. For tax years beginning after 2009, the farming loss of a non-C corporation taxpayer for any tax year in which any applicable subsidies are received will be limited to the greater of (1) $300,000 ($150,000 in the case of a married person filing a separate return), or (2) the taxpayer’s total net farm income for the prior five tax years. Applicable subsidies are (a) any direct or counter-cyclical payments under title I of the Heartland, Habitat, Harvest, and Horticulture Act of 2008 (or any payment elected in lieu of any such payment), or (b) any Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loan. Total net farm income is an aggregation of all income and loss from farming businesses for the prior five tax years.
    • For tax years beginning after 2007, the farm optional method and nonfarm optional method for computing net earnings from self-employment are modified so that electing taxpayers may pay more in optional self-employment taxes and thus become eligible for Social Security benefits.
    • The CCC is required to always provide IRS and the farmer with information returns showing the amount of market gain the farmer realizes when he or she repays a CCC market assistance loan.
    • For large corporations (those with assets of at least $1 billion), estimated tax payments due in July, August, and September of 2012 are increased by 7.75% of the payment otherwise due, and the next required payment is reduced accordingly.

    Please keep in mind that this is only a summary of the tax changes in the new law. If you would like to discuss any of these provisions in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Overview of tax changes in the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008

    The recently enacted “Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008” (the 2008 Heroes Act) provides targeted tax relief for military members and their families, fully offset with tightened expatriation rules, a new rule requiring U.S. companies working under federal government contract to treat overseas employees as subject to employment taxes, and a higher failure to file penalty. Here’s a summary of the tax provisions in the Act:

    New relief provisions. The 2008 Heroes Act makes the following liberalizations for members of the military and their families:

      • Clarifies that those in the active military who file a joint tax return are eligible for the stimulus rebate payment under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 even if one spouse does not have a Social Security number.
      • Makes permanent the ability to include combat pay as earned income for purposes of the earned income tax credit (EITC) (under pre-2008 Heroes Act law, this benefit was only available for tax years ending before 2008).
      • Makes permanent an exception that permits qualified mortgage bonds to be issued to finance mortgages for qualified veterans who served in the active military without regard to the first-time homebuyer requirement (under pre-2008 Heroes Act law, this exception only applied for bonds issued before 2008).
      • Modifies the law which provides certain retirement plan protections for reservists who are called to active duty and who are able to return to their civilian employers after serving our country. The new law requires tax-qualified retirement plans to provide that if a participant dies while performing qualified military service, his or her survivors would be entitled to any additional benefits (other than benefit accruals relating to the period of qualified military service) that would have been provided had the participant resumed employment and then terminated employment on account of death. Similar rules apply to 403(b) annuities and 457(b) plans. Additionally, the new law provides that retirement plans can permit individuals who leave for qualified military service and cannot be reemployed on account of death or disability to be treated as if they had been rehired as of the day before death or disability and then had terminated employment on the date of death or disability. These changes apply to deaths or disabilities occurring after 2006.
      • Includes differential wages paid by an employer to an employee who becomes active duty military in the calculation of wages for retirement plan and IRA purposes, effective for years beginning after 2008. Differential pay is also made subject to federal income tax withholding, effective for amounts paid after 2008.
      • Extends the limitations period for filing tax refund credit claims arising from Department of Veterans Affairs disability determinations.
      • Makes permanent the expiring Internal Revenue Code provision that permits active duty reservists to make penalty-free withdrawals from retirement plans.
      • Permits a military death gratuity or amount received under the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program to be rolled over to a Roth IRA or Coverdell education savings account, notwithstanding the contribution limits that otherwise apply.
      • Entitles Peace Corps volunteers and certain employees to a similar tolling of the homesale exclusion ownership and use period that already applies to members of the uniformed services, Foreign Service, and intelligence community. The Act also makes permanent the special homesale exclusion rules for certain employees of the intelligence community and repeals the requirement that those employees move overseas in order to qualify for special treatment.
      • Provides small employers with a 20% tax credit for differential wage payments made to employees who are on active military duty.
      • Provides an exclusion for state or local payments of bonuses to active or former military personnel or their dependents on account of such military personnel’s service in a combat zone.
      • Allows members of the reserves who are called to active duty to withdraw unused amounts held in a health flexible spending account (health FSA).
      • Retroactively clarifies that certain property tax rebates and other benefits made with respect to volunteer firefighters, and excluded from gross income under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007, are not subject to Social Security tax or unemployment tax.

      Revenue raising provisions. To offset the cost of the new tax breaks (and the cost of various SSI liberalizations for the military), the Act:

      Grantor’s power to substitute trust property didn’t trigger inclusion in estate – Rev Rul 2008-22, 2008-16 IRB 796

      Mike Habib, EA A new revenue ruling concludes that the corpus of an irrevocable trust that a grantor created during life is not includible in his gross estate under Code Sec. 2036 or Code Sec. 2038 on account of the grantor having retained the power, exercisable in a nonfiduciary capacity, to acquire property held by the trust by substituting other property of equivalent value.

        Observation: This ruling is good news for anyone who wants to set up a defective grantor trust a trust intentionally structured so that the grantor, rather than the trust or its beneficiaries, will be taxed on the trust’s income without the trust being included in the grantor’s estate. Under Code Sec. 675(4), a grantor’s power to substitute property causes trust income to be taxed to the grantor and is commonly used to create a defective grantor trust. The new ruling gives this technique a big boost by making it clear that such a power of substitution won’t cause inclusion in the grantors’ estate.

      Background. Under Code Sec. 2036, a decedent’s gross estate includes transfers under which he retained the possession or enjoyment of, or the right to the income from, the transferred property. The decedent need not have a legally enforceable right, but there must be an agreement, either expressed or implied, that the decedent will retain the benefit. Under Code Sec. 2038 , a decedent’s gross estate includes a lifetime transfer if the enjoyment of the transferred property was subject at his death to any change through the exercise by him of a power to alter, amend, revoke or terminate. This includes any power affecting the time or manner of enjoyment of property or its income. Inclusion is not required under Code Sec. 2036 or Code Sec. 2038 if the transfer was a bona fide sale for full and adequate consideration.

      Facts. In Year 1, Danny, a U.S. citizen, established and funded an irrevocable inter vivos trust (Trust) for the benefit of his descendants. Danny is barred from serving as Trustee. Danny has the power, exercisable at any time, to acquire any property held in Trust by substituting other property of equivalent value. The power is exercisable by Danny in a nonfiduciary capacity, without the approval or consent of any person acting in a fiduciary capacity. To exercise the power of substitution, he must certify in writing that the substituted property and the trust property for which it is substituted are of equivalent value.

      No refund suit is allowed in the absence of a timely claim filed with IRS

      U.S. v. Clintwood Elkorn Mining Co., (S Ct 4/15/2008) 101 AFTR 2d ¶ 2008696

      Mike Habib, EA

      The Supreme Court, reversing the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, has held that the plain language of Code Sec. 7422(a) and Code Sec. 6511 requires a taxpayer seeking a refund of a tax assessed in violation of the Export Clause of the U.S. Constitution, just as for any other unlawfully assessed tax, to file a timely administrative refund claim with IRS before bringing suit against the Government.

      IRS acquiesces to TLC Leasing – explains meals deduction limit in employee leasing setting Rev Rul 2008-23, 2008-18 IRB


      Trucking Tax & Accounting: Back Taxes – Unfiled delinquent tax returns – IRS & State audits – Messy books / accounting

      IRS Begins Focus on Foreign Athletes and Entertainers

      The IRS recently launched an Issue Management Team focused

      on improving U.S. income reporting and tax payment compliance by foreign athletes and entertainers who work in the United States. The initial focus is on those engaged in tennis, golf and music. These individuals and those associated with arranging their appearances in the U.S. and managing their financial affairs are typically high income individuals. Because of this, it is important to ensure proper tax reporting and payment.

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