You incur IRS back taxes when you haven’t been filing your income tax returns religiously every year. Tax season can be a stressful time and there are a lot of people who tend to overlook the deadlines so they find themselves having to rush to make it in time. For those who are not so lucky, they have to incur penalties because of late filings. Things could get uglier once the government finds that you’re years behind in your income tax filing. You don’t want to have to pay IRS back taxes but in case you find yourself in this rut, understand that you do have options to get you out of this mess.
Year-end tax planning letter
As year-end approaches, taxpayers generally are faced with a number of choices that can save taxes this year, next year or both years. Employees too are faced with these choices. However, employees have some special considerations to take into account that retirees and other nonworking individuals don’t face. To help our clients who are employees take advantage of these special tax saving opportunities, we have put together a list of items to consider.
Tax Relief for the Unemployed
The Internal Revenue Service recognizes that the loss of a job may create new tax issues. The IRS provides the following information to assist displaced workers.
Bartering Tax Problem
Bartering is the trading of one product or service for another. Usually there is no exchange of cash. Barter may take place on an informal one-on-one basis between individuals and businesses, or it can take place on a third party basis through a modern barter exchange company.
Commissioner Doug Shulman address
IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman addressed the National Association of Corporate Directors Governance Conference
WASHINGTON — I realize that the IRS Commissioner has not customarily addressed the NACD’s corporate governance conference…but what I want to discuss with you this afternoon is the important role that boards of directors can play in overseeing tax risk and tax strategies of corporations. After all, taxes are one of the biggest expenses of a corporation, so how they are managed is very important to most corporations.
Clearly, corporate boards of directors play an incredibly important role in the vibrancy of businesses and our economy. Boards are a source of creative ideas, strategic thinking, and, importantly, governance and oversight. Boards hold management accountable, and in that role, understanding the risk posture of the company is critically important.
US Citizens Residing in Canada Liable for AMT
U.S. Citizens Residing in Canada Liable for AMT Based on Foreign Tax Credit Limitation (Jamieson, CA-DC)
Married U.S. citizens residing in Canada were liable for the alternative minimum tax (AMT) because the amount of foreign tax credits they could claim was limited by Code Sec. 59(a)(2) (prior to repeal by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-357)) and was not offset by additional credits under the U.S.-Canada Convention With Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital. Applying the last-in-time rule, the AMT foreign tax credit limitation under Code Sec. 59(a)(2) was the last expression of sovereign will and took precedence over the treaty, to the extent of any conflict between them.
The couple’s argument that the government could reconcile the treaty and the statute by allowing taxpayers to claim foreign tax credits after calculating the entire U.S. tax liability, including AMT, was rejected. This interpretation restricted the scope of Code Sec. 59(a)(2) to taxpayers who worked in a foreign country that did not have a treaty with the U.S. limiting double taxation. To the extent that there was any ambiguity as to whether Code Sec. 59(a)(2) applied to taxpayers in countries with which the Unites States has double taxation treaties, the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-647) clarified that Congress intended for Code Sec. 59(a)(2) to supersede existing treaty provisions prohibiting double taxation.
Year End Tax Update
The following is a summary of the most important tax developments that have occurred in the past three months that may affect you, your family, your investments, and your livelihood. Please call us at 877-788-2937 for more information about any of these developments and what steps you should implement to take advantage of favorable developments and to minimize the impact of those that are unfavorable.
IRS has issued additional guidance on the waiver of 2009 required minimum distributions (RMDs). It provides transition relief through Nov. 30, 2009, so that a plan won’t be treated as having an operational failure for allowing waivers of 2009 RMDs and related payments before being amended, and rollover relief for 2009 RMD waivers and related payments. In general, retirement plan or IRA withdrawals that were made despite the 2009 RMD waiver won’t face tax if rolled over to a retirement plan within 60 days. Similar rules apply to IRAs. The new guidance includes an extension of the 60-day rollover period to Nov. 30, 2009, for certain distributions. The rollover relief gives older taxpayers an unusual opportunity to correct an inadvertent mistake that otherwise would unnecessarily increase their taxable income for 2009. It also give some individuals a “retroactive” chance to reduce their tax bill if their financial circumstances have improved during the course of 2009.
The Administration has issued a barrage of guidance designed to increase retirement savings. Three revenue rulings, four notices, and new IRS website explanations make it easier for employers to provide for automatic retirement plan enrollments and automatic contribution increases, permit unused leave to be converted into retirement savings, give employees a clearer understanding of rollover options, and permit income tax refunds to be used to purchase U.S. Savings Bonds. The new developments will, to be sure, make it easier for employers to offer automatic enrollments, and enhance the chances that taxpayers won’t spend their lump-sum payouts. However, the real trail blazers are the ruling that permits the dollar value of unused paid time off to be contributed to a 401(k) plan, and Treasury’s new policy of allowing taxpayers to funnel tax refunds directly into U.S. Savings Bonds.
Method Man Talks About Tax Evasion Arrest
Method Man Talks About Tax Evasion Arrest
WATCH IT! The IRS might be looking for you fo rback taxes too!