A roadmap to disaster area tax relief in 2008 legislation
Mike Habib, EA
The 2008 calendar year has seen more than the usual share of natural disasters in the U.S., and legislation designed to provide tax relief to the victims. By and large, legislative relief has been granted on an ad-hoc basis, with an attempt made in the last go-around (tax provisions included with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, referred to here as the Bailout Act, P.L. 110-343) to provide “national” disaster relief. Inevitably, there are some overlapping tax relief provisions and as-yet unanswered questions on the scope of the relief and the interplay between national relief provisions and other relief provisions. This Practice Alert, to be issued in several parts, provides practitioners with a roadmap to disaster-related provisions that may provide significant tax relief to their business and individual clients.