
Tax Relief Blog


Truck Drivers – Trucking Company Tax Problem Resolution

IRS acquiesces to TLC Leasing – explains meals deduction limit in employee leasing setting Rev Rul 2008-23, 2008-18 IRB TRUCKER TAX RELIEF & TRUCKER TAX PROBLEM RESOLUTION Trucking Tax & Accounting: Back Taxes – Unfiled delinquent tax returns – IRS & State audits – Messy books / accounting Mike Habib,…


Non US Person Tax Problem Resolution

IRS Begins Focus on Foreign Athletes and Entertainers The IRS recently launched an Issue Management Team focused on improving U.S. income reporting and tax payment compliance by foreign athletes and entertainers who work in the United States. The initial focus is on those engaged in tennis, golf and music. These…


US employers and foreign employees tax problem

IRS rules that withholding exceptions for employees in foreign country don’t apply – Chief Counsel Advice 200814010 Mike Habib, EA In Chief Counsel Advice (CCA), IRS has held that a U.S. employer had to withhold on wages it paid to employees working in a foreign country. The withholding exception…


Net operating loss carryback – REITs property tax relief

Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 – S enate passes housing stimulus bill Mike Habib, EA On Apr. 10, the Senate by a vote of 84 to 12 approved H.R. 3221, the “Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008,” the Senate housing stimulus bill. Before final passage of the bill, the Senate…


State Property Tax Credits – Tax Problem Resolution

Memo explains how state property tax credits are taxed and reported – Chief Counsel Advice 200814022 Mike Habib, EA In Chief Counsel Advice, IRS has explained the proper federal income tax treatment of certain state property tax credits and the extent to which the state must provide information reports…


Tax Development Q1 2008 – Economic Stimulus – Chances of being audited

The most important IRS Tax Development in Q1 2008 Mike Habib, EA While the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 was the most significant development in the first quarter of 2008, many other tax developments may affect you, your family, and your livelihood. The new law changes and other key…

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