
Tax Relief Blog


IRS Tax Penalty – How to abate and avoid penalties

Avoiding IRS Tax Penalties and the Tax Gap Mike Habib, EA IRS — The Internal Revenue Code imposes many different kinds of penalties, ranging from civil fines to imprisonment for criminal tax evasion. If you do not file your return and pay your tax by the due date, you…


Intellectual property contribution tax problem resolution

Final regs detail donee’s filing requirements for qualified intellectual property contributions T.D. 9392, 04/04/2008; Reg. § 1.6050L-2 Mike Habib, EA IRS has issued final regs explaining the information return requirements for donees receiving net income from qualified intellectual property contributions made after June 3, 2004. Background. A taxpayer’s deduction…


Estate and Gift Tax Problem Resolution

Estate and Gift Tax Relief – Joint Committee Staff examines options for reforming transfer taxes Mike Habib, EA The Staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation has released JCX-23-08, Taxation Of Wealth Transfers Within A Family: A Discussion Of Selected Areas For Possible Reform. This document, which was prepared…


Estimated tax payments – IRS Problem Resolution

New, changed and expired provisions affect 2008 individual estimated tax Mike Habib, EA Apr. 15, 2008 is the due date for affected calendar year taxpayers to make their first installment of 2008 estimated tax. There aren’t any drastic changes in the estimated tax rules themselves for 2008. However, there…


Insurance Agent Tax Resolution

Retired insurance agents’ renewal commissions didn’t qualify for FICA special timing rule Mike Habib, EA Chief Counsel Advice 200813042 In a Chief Counsel Advice (CCA), IRS has ruled that because renewal commissions paid to its retired employees were subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture as of the insurance…


Trucker Tax Relief – Trucker Tax Resolution Service

Truckers Tax Relief – Are you a truck driver with tax problems? Trucking Tax & Accounting: Back Taxes – Unfiled delinquent tax returns – IRS & State audits – Messy books / accounting If you’re a truck driver and owe the IRS, you’re better off resolving your tax debt now.…


Federal tax liens – failure to pay the estate taxes

Homes sold by estate beneficiary remained subject to federal estate tax liens First American Title Insurance Co., et al. v. U.S. (CA9 3/27/2008) 101 AFTR 2d ¶ 2008-622 Mike Habib, EA The Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, affirming a district court, has held that title companies couldn’t…


Non-profit exempt organization tax problems

IRS Regs clarify Code Sec. 501(c)(3) exempt status and impact of excise taxes Mike Habib, EA T.D. 9390, 03/27/2008; Reg. § 1.503(c)(3)-1, Reg. § 53.4958-2 IRS has issued final regs clarifying the substantive requirements for tax exemption under Code Sec. 501(c)(3) and the relationship between those requirements and the…


Dependent deductions tax problem

Tax breaks for qualifying relatives are limited – what you should know Internal Legal Memorandum 200812024 Mike Habib, An Internal Legal Memorandum (ILM) explains that various tax breaks are not allowed for qualifying relatives. Specifically, the ILM concludes that, apart from a dependency exemption, a taxpayer’s qualifying relative may…

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