Articles Posted in Tax Help

In case you were not aware of what the FTB is, it is the California board that is responsible for collecting all of the personal income tax and business franchise taxes that are assessed every year for people and companies in California. Formed in 1950, the board replaced the original Franchise Tax Commissioner that was created by the original California Constitution.

The board uses several methods to collect owed taxes. The most frustrating method is the audit and if you receive an exam notice in the mail, you better take it seriously. This should include your right for CA FTB Audit representation. Our tax representation firm can help you get the best possible outcome from your audit.

The CA FTB is made up of three individuals that hold specific positions in the state government. The people who have these three positions are who make up the Franchise Tax Board; California State Controller, Chair of the Board of Equalization, and Director of the Department of Finance.

Betty T. Yee (State Controller)

Malia M. Cohen (Chair of the Board of Equalization)

Joe Stephenshaw (Director of the Department of Finance)

Get FTB help, call our Los Angeles based tax firm today at 1-877-78-TAXES [1-877-788-2937].

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Receiving an IRS Notice of Deficiency, also known as a “90-day letter,” is a serious matter that requires prompt attention. If you receive this notice, it means that the IRS has determined that you owe additional taxes and that you have 90 days to either pay the amount in full or file a petition with the U.S. Tax Court.

If you need tax representation, call us at 1-877-78-TAXES [1-877-788-2937].

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Are you in need of a tax service provider? We can help you resolve your tax service issues.  Your problem will not be solved by paying interests, fines and fees. You need to seek help from a professional tax service provider. You need someone to help you in terms of business bookkeeping, tax preparation, tax planning and even with tax controversy. We can also give assistance when it comes to IRS audit help. You need someone who is well versed in tax resolution and someone who has a better understanding about tax services in Norwalk, California to allow you or your company to find effective tax resolution and get necessary assistance needed.

Call us today at 562-204-6700

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As hard to believe as it may be, we are now in yet another year and here’s to hoping that 2022 will be significantly better than the last previous years, but we digress. What we’re here to talk about today is IRS TFRP help, or trust fund recovery penalty help, as it is better known.

With tax season coming up fast, our thoughts will soon be turning to our books and accounts, as we look to get all of our taxes in order so as to appease the wrath of the tax man.

If you’re a small business owner, you will likely already be aware that unpaid employment 941 payroll trust fund taxes can cause monumental headaches. When money is held ‘in trust’ it has to be paid to the Treasury on a weekly, semi-weekly or monthly schedule. This is all well and good, but should a business use these funds for any other purposes, I.E for paying rent or utilities, problems with the IRS could potentially arise.

It doesn’t matter whether this money was “borrowed” in good faith at all, if the money isn’t returned, the IRS can actually slap you with the trust fund recovery penalties portion and hit you with employment 941 payroll business back taxes personally.

Get tax help today by calling us at 1-877-78-TAXES [1-877-788-2937].

Our tax representation firm is in Whittier, Los Angeles, CA but serves taxpayers in all 50 states.

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With tax season now right around the corner, it’s more important than ever to get your accounts and payroll 941/940 tax returns in order, rather than potentially find yourself staring down the wrong end of a substantial penalty from the Internal Revenue Service.

Each year, countless business owners and taxpayers alike seek out employment tax help from tax professionals, EA, CPA, Attorney as understanding how employment tax works can be tricky and complex.

As an employer, it is your responsibility to report and deposit employment taxes. At the end of each financial year, you must prepare and file Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement in order to report wages, tips, and various other types of financial compensation which have been paid to an employee.

Sounds complex? That’s because it is. It is little wonder then, to learn that employment tax help professionals, CPA, EA, Attorney are so highly sought-after in the business world. If you’ve not yet hired one, you almost certainly will after reading this today.

Get tax help today by calling us at 1-877-78-TAXES [1-877-788-2937].

Our tax representation firm is in Whittier, Los Angeles, CA but serves taxpayers in all 50 states.

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When it comes to matters regarding taxes and tax breaks, it’s important to know where you stand. The demand for professional tax services as of late is greater than ever before and if you’re a taxpayer yourself, you’ll instantly understand exactly why that is.

For anybody who is a taxpayer, not only does it pay to seek professional help, it also pays to understand the various tax breaks and deductions which could be available to you.

State and local tax credits for example, have been a hot topic as of late as it can potentially save you money in the form of a very handy deduction.

But what exactly are SALT credits and what is the important info that you need to know? Well, all will soon become clear as we share a very handy guide with you all about state and local tax credits.

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If you had the opportunity to receive a refund from the IRS or pay less tax legally than you thought you had to, would you take the opportunity or just let it pass you by? 9.9 times out of 10, you’d jump at the opportunity, and why wouldn’t you?

Despite there being numerous ways of paying the IRS fewer taxes, and indeed, of claiming back taxes and expenses that you weren’t aware you could, it turns out that every year, countless US citizens across the nation pass up these very opportunities by failing to take advantage of the IRS federal tax credits that they are legally entitled to.

Tax season may still be quite a way away yet, but it’ll soon be here before you know it and the last thing you want is to leave it until the last minute when filing your return, or worse still, to pay more tax than you should. If you are looking to reduce your tax liability, or even potentially enjoy a tax rebate from the taxman himself, familiarizing yourself with the various tax credits out there is highly recommended.

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For any business, the worst thing that can happen is that you can find yourself in a 911 emergency urgent tax help situation. The IRS is known to be the toughest and most ruthless of all collection agencies on the planet. If you ever find yourself in trouble with the IRS, never consider going it alone. There are always avenues for you to turn and they do allow you to have a representative on your side. While its reputation is one of cold-heated, it is pretty fair, with all things considered. Our Whittier based firm works with clients in Los Angeles, Orange Counties and others nationwide.

For this article, we are going to focus our attention on three specific types of tax issues for businesses. These issues are very serious and should never be ignored, even if you don’t agree with them. Contacting the right representation firm for your 911 urgent tax help will make the difference between a positive or negative outcome.

Get a free case evaluation at 1-877-788-2937.

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Cannabis-based businesses are some of the fastest growing business sectors in the country. With more and more states legalizing medical marijuana and also recreational use, dispensaries and grow operations are popping up all over. Unfortunately, there are a number of things that makes a cannabis business a challenge is that there are many unique situations that go into running an all-cash operation. You need to get EA, CPA help with Cannabis Accounting & Tax if you are going to have a thriving cannabis-based business in Los Angeles or Southern California.

Along with the accounting issues, it is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the country. That makes compliance and even more important consideration that funding. The last aspect is the taxes that have to be carefully monitors. The state and federal government each have their tax laws to consider and you have to be sure that you are dotting all your “I” and crossing all your “T”.

Get a free evaluation today at 1-877-788-2937.

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As a taxpayer, one of the most daunting and potentially stressful times of the year is April 15th.

Staying in the good books of the IRS is imperative, not only for your finances and the reputation of your business, but also for your mental health and sanity in the process. This is where it pays to stay up to date with the various goings on in the world of taxation.

Lately, there has been a lot of talk surrounding R&D tax credits, and how they can potentially benefit large and small companies alike, regardless of which industry you happen to be involved in.

Of course, we recommend hiring a tax professional or seek our Los Angeles based professional tax services and providers if you wish to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of R&D tax credits, although to help make things that little bit easier, we’ll be looking at some important things to know below.

Get an evaluation today at 1-877-788-2937.

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