For Los Angeles, and all over America, individuals or businesses who are concerned about the information they receive from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) about their taxes, a tax account review – TAR may be the answer. For those who have complicated tax forms to fill out, a proper review by tax professionals may shed light on their current situation. In fact, many individuals have benefited in ways from a review that has helped them to pay less in taxes and keep more in their pocket.
What is a Tax Account Review or TAR, Discovery?
As the name implies, it is a review of the tax returns and other information of an individual or a business with the IRS and or the state. The goal is to provide a clear, comprehensive report about the taxpayer status with the IRS. This means a thorough review of previous tax returns, an overview of the income and expenses incurred by the taxpayer, and discovery of any new tax rules or regulations that may alter the taxes which are paid.