IRS Tax Lien – How to release federal tax liens and levies Taxpayers have the right to appeal the IRS’ filing of a notice of a tax lien in the public record and petition for release. If filed in error, the IRS must release the lien and state that the…
Tax Relief Blog
IRS enforcement figures
Table 16.Delinquent Collection Activities, Fiscal Years 2005-2008 [Money amounts are in thousands of dollars.] Activity 2005 2006 2007 2008 (1) (2) (3) (4) Returns filed with additional tax due: Total amount collected [1] [r] 27,615,348 [r] 29,172,915 [r] 31,952,399 28,465,648 Taxpayer delinquent accounts (thousands): Number in beginning inventory 5,981 6,478…
IRS Tax Lien against Gov. Schwarzenegger
IRS has filed $79,000 lien against Gov. Schwarzenegger, records show SOURCE: Los Angeles Times A spokesman for the governor says the matter is related to a paperwork discrepancy and has nothing to do with the payment of taxes. By Michael Rothfeld Reporting from Sacramento The Internal Revenue Service has filed…
Final Regulations Governing Installment Agreements
IRS Issues Final Regulations Governing Installment Agreements The IRS has issued final regulations relating to the payment of tax liabilities through installment agreements. The regulations reflect changes to the law made by the Taxpayer Bill of Rights II (P.L. 104-168), the Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998…
SBA Tax Relief
Treasury / SBA Highlight Role of Tax Cuts During Small Business Financing Forum US Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner presided over the Small Business Financing Forum presented by the Treasury Department and the Small Business Administration (SBA) on November 18 in Washington, D.C. While the program was aimed at exploring…
Military Spouses Relief
President Signs Military Spouses Residency Relief Act Source: Journal of Accountancy President Barack Obama signed into law the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act (PL 111-97), which will ensure that the spouses of military personnel who move because their spouse is posted for military duty will be treated as not having…
Relief for sponsors of statutory hybrid plans
Effective Date of Regulations Under § 411(b)(5)(B)(i); Relief Under § 411(d)(6); and Notice to Pension Plan Participants Announcement 2009-82 The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service are announcing relief for sponsors of statutory hybrid plans that must amend the interest crediting rate in those plans. Plan sponsors may rely…
Essential year end tax planning
Essential year end tax planning Year-end tax planning could be especially productive this year because timely action can nail down a host of tax breaks that won’t be around next year unless Congress acts to extend them. These include, for individuals: the option to deduct state and local sales and…
Roth IRA Rollover
Roth IRA Rollovers Mike Habib, EA I am writing to tell you of an interesting new rollover opportunity that’s coming up in a few months. After 2009, you will be able to roll over amounts in qualified employer sponsored retirement plan accounts, such as 401(k)s and profit sharing plans, and…
Extended homebuyer tax credit
Extended and liberalized homebuyer tax credit rules Mike Habib, EA On November 6, the President signed into law H.R. 3548, the ”Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009.” The new law extends and generally liberalizes the tax credit for first-time homebuyers, making it a much more flexible tax-saving tool.…