New proposed regs address complex issue – capitalization of tangible assets – Part III Mike Habib, IRS has issued new comprehensive proposed regs on when amounts are treated as paid to acquire, produce, or improve tangible property. They replace controversial proposed regs that were issued on the same subject…
Tax Relief Blog
Complex Tax issue — capitalization of tangible assets–Part II
New proposed regs address complex issue–capitalization of tangible assets–Part II Mike Habib, IRS has issued new comprehensive proposed regs on when amounts are treated as paid to acquire, produce, or improve tangible property. They replace controversial proposed regs that were issued on the same subject in 2006 and that…
Taxes and S corporations undergoing F reorganizations
New guidance for S corporations undergoing F reorganizations Mike Habib, A new revenue ruling provides guidance for S corporations that undergo a type F reorganization where the operating S corporation becomes a qualified Subchapter S subsidiary (QSub) of a new holding corporation. It also explains which employer identification number…
The IRS and the capitalization of tangible assets
New proposed regs address complex issue–capitalization of tangible assets Mike Habib, IRS has issued new comprehensive proposed regs on when amounts are treated as paid to acquire, produce, or improve tangible property. They replace controversial proposed regs that were issued on the same subject in 2006 and that IRS…
1031 Like-Kind Exchanges Tax FAQ
Like-Kind Exchanges Under IRC Code Section 1031 Mike Habib, Whenever you sell a business or an investment property and you have a gain, you generally have to pay tax on the gain at the time of sale. IRC Section 1031 provides an exception and allows you to postpone paying…
Poker Tournament Winnings Must be Reported to the IRS
Starting March 2008, casinos and other sponsors of poker tournaments will be required to report most winnings to winners and the Internal Revenue Service, according to the IRS. Mike Habib, The new requirement, which went into effect on March 4, 2008, was contained in guidance released Sept. 4 by…
Tax audit of Exempt Organizations Non Profit Organizations
Examination and Compliance Check Processes For Exempt Organizations Mike Habib, EA The Internal Revenue Service has a variety of tools at its disposal to make certain that tax-exempt organizations comply with federal law designed to ensure they are entitled to any tax exemption they may claim. The responsibility for…
Past due tax return what to do
Help Yourself by Filing Past-Due Tax Returns Mike Habib, Most citizens voluntarily file their tax returns and pay their taxes. Most people explain it by saying they want to pay their fair share. Others file to get a refund, claim a credit or avoid breaking the law. There are…
Pension Protection Act of 2006 Tax Issues
Guidance on timing of PPA-related amendments for calculating plan cash-outs starting in 2008 Mike Habib, IRS has issued guidance, in question and answer format, that addresses the timing of plan amendments made to comply with Sec. 302 of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA 2006, P.L. 109-280, Sec.…
Retirement News for Employers
IRS explains how to correct a failure to follow retirement plan termsRetirement News for Employers Mike Habib, EA In its Retirement News for Employers, IRS has explained how to correct the common retirement plan mistake of failing to follow the plan terms in its operation. IRS clarified when a plan…