Articles Posted in Payroll Tax Problems

For business owners, CEOs, CFOs, one of the most common issues is tax problems that deal with your payroll. Unpaid 941 and 940 payroll tax issues are quite common and with the IRS pursuing their collections vigorously, you will need the best in employment tax representation to keep out of trouble. For businesses that have employees, it is highly recommended that you get assistance from a professional tax firm. They can provide the best in employment tax representation that helps keep your business in-line with federal and state tax laws.

Both the 941 and 940 tax returns need to be filed properly if your business is going to avoid potential issues that might otherwise bring in an audit. This is why it is important to understand the importance and difference between the 941 and 940 forms.

Get a free case evaluation today at 877-788-2937. All 50 states.

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Now that IRS tаx collection асtіоn is bесоmіng more and more prevalent, іt іѕ іmреrаtіvе thаt уоu bесоmе рrоасtіvе in hаndlіng your tax dеbt рrоblеmѕ, unfiled tax returns, unpaid payroll 941 employment and unpaid back taxes. An IRS Rеvеnuе Officer is fullу аuthоrіzеd аnd bасkеd bу thе gоvеrnmеnt tо рrосееd wіth tаx соllесtіоn асtіоn іn аn aggressive аnd intimidating mаnnеr. They have bееn gіvеn аuthоrіzаtіоn beyond thе аvеrаgе collection аgеnсу аnd tаkе tаx dеbt соllесtіоn vеrу seriously.

An IRS Revenue Officer fосuѕеd on ԛuісk rесоvеrу of уоur full tax dеbt аmоunt іѕ trained tо:

  • Nоt bе swayed by еxсuѕеѕ (lеgіtіmаtе or nоt)
  • Not соnѕіdеr a tаxрауеr’ѕ аbіlіtу tо рау
  • Aѕѕеѕѕ and enforce wаgе gаrnіѕhmеntѕ
  • Lеvу bank accounts
  • Seize рrореrtу
  • Bring сrіmіnаl сhаrgеѕ if necessary

Having an еxреrіеnсеd enrolled agent, CPA or tаx attorney rерrеѕеnt you саn make thе аrm-wrеѕtlіng nеgоtіаtіоn process more аdvаntаgеоuѕ tо оbtаіnіng an ассерtаblе ѕеttlеmеnt аgrееmеnt.

Get tax help today at 877-788-2937.

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As the owner of a Los Angeles business that employs one or 10,000 employees you are required by law to collect, report and send the payroll and employment tax for each of them. The IRS has a specific 941 form that must be sent in every quarter and must follow a very specific schedule. The only deviation that is acceptable is if the day it is due falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, if this occurs, you must have it sent in on the following business day.

What is meant by Business 941 Payroll, or Employment Tax?

While most Angelenos in Southern California know exactly what income tax is that is withheld from each of their checks, but it is not as likely that these same people would have any idea what is meant by payroll tax. However, ask any Los Angeles business owner the same question they will absolutely be able to tell you that it refers to as 941/940 Employment Payroll Tax.

They are quite aware that 941/940 Employment Payroll Tax refers to the combination of employment tax, social security tax, and Medicare Tax. These taxes are collected from each employee and they must be reported and sent to the IRS quarterly and it must adhere to a strict, specific schedule. If you make it a habit of missing deadlines for submitting the 941 payroll tax form you can be sure that the IRS will not forget and you will likely find yourself on the wrong side of its wrath.

Get a free case case evaluation today 877-788-2937.

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EDD audits employers for various employment controversies, mostly how California employers classify their employee versus independent contractor status.

We represent employers facing EDD audits and exams, employers normally receive an initial letter, simple survey type of correspondence, that usually leads to a complicated EDD audit that could result in tens or hundred of thousands of tax dollars due to EDD from the employer. Call us today at 877-788-2937 for a free evaluation.

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Tax Problem Resolution infographic by Mike Habib EA, Back taxes Help, IRS Audit Help, Unfiled Tax Returns Help


Tax Problem Resolution infographic by Mike Habib EA

Calling on taxpayers facing back tax problems, taxpayers being audited by the IRS or the state, taxpayers with delinquent and unfiled tax returns, releasing tax levies, tax liens and businesses facing 941 payroll tax problems. We can resolve your tax problem and offer you peace of  mind. Call us today at 877-788-2937. 

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Running a business, managing a company is not a child’s play. Apart from being a good CEO or the Head of the Company, there are certain important things you have to figure out and reign in early when you first start your own business or running a company as you need to take care of your employees as well as their salaries thereof. Payroll taxes are the most important of them all. You have to know how to calculate and pay 941 payroll taxes before you set out to hire employees.

Payroll taxes can prove to be a headache for businessmen/CEO. Employers are required to file payroll taxes from an employee’s paycheck. Some are paid by both the business and the employees, while some are the responsibility of the business alone. Though it is not easy to file payroll taxes, you can however hire a professional to get 941 payroll tax help.

Get a free evaluation of your case at 877-788-2937.

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Did you miss another filing deadline? Do you owe back taxes? Are you being audited by the IRS?

I can help you resolve your tax matter so you can move on with your life.

Don’t let the IRS ruin your life and punish you with tax levies and liens. We offer IRS tax help to individual and business taxpayers. We can file all your unfiled tax returns; negotiate a settlement through small monthly installment payments, or lump-sum settlement.

Get IRS tax help today 877-788-2937.

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Employment Tax Problem? Get resolution today!

Los Angeles – San Francisco – New York – Chicago – Denver – Houston – Atlanta – Miami

Employment 940/941 Taxes

If you have your own business, there is plenty going on all the time. In addition to taking care of your customers, you have to take care of your employees. Payroll can be very difficult with the many scenarios, and that can lead to an employment tax problem. Don’t feel like you are alone though as 941 payroll tax problems are extremely common when it comes to the IRS and what they have to look into.

Get a free evaluation of your case at 877-788-2937.

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Employment Taxes and the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (TFRP).

Notice 784, Could You be Personally Liable for Certain Unpaid Federal Taxes?

IRS has updated its webpage guidance on the trust fund recovery penalty and who IRS can reach to pay it. The guidance is a reminder for all potential “responsible persons” to make sure that timely payment of employment taxes is given the highest priority at any profit or nonprofit enterprise.

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Chicago, IL Taxpayer Rights Power of Attorney – Representing individuals and businesses before the IRS

If you are facing a tax audit, IRS tax levy to back tax help to unfiled tax returns and more, the Chicago tax attorney is here for your need. The qualified tax lawyer can handle all legal matters related to taxes as well as assist businesses when it comes to properly filling out their tax forms. Here is a sampling of the services provided by the Chicago tax lawyer. Did you receive an IRS or state tax lien notice, letter, postcard or phone call?

  • Back Tax Help
  • Innocent Spouse Tax Relief
  • IRS Help
  • IRS Tax Audit Representation
  • Tax Debt Settlement
  • Tax Negotiations & Resolution
  • IRS tax levy and lien release Help
  • Penalty Abatement
  • 941 Payroll Tax Problem Help & More

Get reliable IRS representation, call 877-788-2937.

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