Taxes are fees or charges imposed by the federal and state agencies on its citizens and businesses based upon transactions (income, sale or transfers) or property value to finance government activities. It is the duty of a citizens and businesses to pay and file taxes and because various tax laws and codes can be difficult to understand, people often look out for tax help when the tax time rolls around. When faced with huge fines and fees on taxes owed, you really should seek tax help and appeal to the IRS, FTB, EDD, CDTFA, BOE with resolution solutions right for you. Owing back taxes is stressful and can negatively affect every aspect of your life. The crux of the matter is not knowing what may or will happen to you once the IRS has total control over the situation and your assets. As intimidating and scary as the IRS may seem, you do have rights as a taxpayer to seek help and representation and you should not let your rights be trampled or violated. By obtaining tax help from a reputable professional, EA, attorney, or CPA for your back taxes, audits, and appeal, you can be assured you won’t be taken advantage of.
Get a free case evaluation at 877-788-2937.