IRS tax audit and IRS tax problems facing transportation or construction businesses, and other similar industries

IRS SBSE-04-0108-003, 1/14/08

The IRS has reissued interim guidance that provides audit guidelines to its examiners reviewing excess per diem payments. The original guidance expired in November 2007.

alties, options to address your IRS tax penalty and more…

The IRS has over 148 different types of penalties. And boy do they love to hand them out. The worst part is that the IRS also charges interest and additional penalties on the original penalty.

So you must try to get them reduced or completely abated to zero. CLICK HERE FOR HELP

After you have decided to make a request to the IRS to “Abate Your Penalties” you must consider where and when to make the request. In my experience your chances are better in dealing with IRS Service Centers. The timing of your request depends on the type of penalty assessed against you. It always makes sense to request penalty abatement before you pay the IRS.

IRS tax audit, IRS tax examination, IRS audit reconsideration, IRS appeal

Are you asking yourself … If I have tax problems who should I contact?

Fiscal Year 2007 Enforcement and Service Results
As reported in a statement issued by IRS, it has continued to make strong progress in a number of key enforcement areas. IRS enforcement efforts increased in fiscal year 2007: overall, enforcement revenue reached $59.2 billion, up from $48.7 billion in 2006.

What’s New: IRS has $110 million in undeliverable refunds

Are you still waiting for your tax refund? If so, you may be one of the 115,478 taxpayers to whom the IRS has been unable to deliver a refund check. The refunds total about $110 million.

Every year there are taxpayers who don’t update the IRS or the U.S. Postal Service when they move or change their mailing address. Checks are mailed to the last known address for taxpayers, and when the address isn’t current, the checks are returned as undeliverable.

Mortgage Tax Debt Relief, AMT Relief – why you need professional tax advice

AMT relief. In general terms, to find out if you owe alternative minimum tax (AMT), you start with regular taxable income, modify it with various adjustments and preferences (such as add-backs for property and income tax deductions and dependency exemptions), and then subtract an exemption amount (which phases out at higher levels of income). The result is multiplied by an AMT tax rate of 26% or 28% to arrive at the tentative minimum tax. You pay the AMT only if the tentative minimum tax exceeds your regular tax bill..

Although it was originally enacted to make sure that wealthy individuals did not escape paying taxes, the AMT has wound up ensnaring many middle-income taxpayers. One reason is that many of the tax figures (such as the tax brackets, standard deductions, and personal exemptions) used to arrive at your regular tax bill are adjusted for inflation, but the tax figures used to arrive at the AMT are not.

As you prepare for the upcoming tax year, I thought you might find this brief rundown of 2008 tax changes useful.

* ADOPTION TAX CREDIT increases to $11,650 for adoption of an eligible child.

* SECTION 179 maximum deduction increases to $128,000. Phase-out threshold increases to $510,000.

On December 26, 2007, President Bush signed the “Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2007,” providing a one-year “patch” to the alternative minimum tax (AMT).

Without this legislation, an estimated 25 million taxpayers would have had to pay an average of $2,000 in additional taxes for 2007.

The new law increases the 2007 AMT exemption amount to $66,250 for joint filers, to $33,125 for couples filing separately, and to $44,350 for single taxpayers and heads of household. Most nonrefundable personal tax credits will be allowed to offset AMT liability.

Nothing strikes terror in the heart of American taxpayers quite like finding a letter in the mailbox from the IRS! In an effort to help you avoid that unpleasant scenario, provided below are examples of some common pitfalls to avoid if you don’t want the IRS lining up to be your new pen pal.

It’s surprising how many people mail their returns to the IRS without a signature. Before mailing, be sure to recheck everything and don’t forget to sign your return. An even better solution is to file electronically. Returns filed electronically have safeguards and controls to eliminate common errors. Additionally, the return goes directly to the processing center and the information does not have to be keyed into a computer by an IRS employee, which could result in additional errors.

Did you remember to include all income on the return? If you received a Form 1099 from anyone, be sure this income is on the return in the right place or you will receive a notice. Even if you did not receive a 1099 for work done independently, you are required to report the income. IRS receives copies of 1099s from banks, stock brokerage firms, rental agencies, and subcontractors and these are checked against income reported.

You’ve just picked up your mail and … uh oh, there among the ads, bills and too numerous offerings for credit cards is that official looking letter from the Internal Revenue Service. A feeling of dread comes over you…but don’t panic or toss it, and please DO open it. It might even be good news.

Usually, mail from the IRS is a notification that they need verification of documents or substantiation of an amount you have claimed on your tax return. Read the letter thoroughly. Determine what they are looking for, and then provide the information. Some of the most commonly missed items on a return are simple things: You forgot to sign the 1040; You didn’t attach W-2’s and required statements; If you’re paying quarterly, maybe you claimed the wrong amount as estimated tax; Or, perhaps the income you listed doesn’t match the figure that was reported to the IRS on a Form 1099 by someone who paid you during the tax year.

If you have the correct information, it’s a simple matter to fix. Make copies of your documents verifying the information on your return and send the copies back to the IRS along with a copy of the letter they sent to you. If, in fact, you didn’t include an amount on your return that should have been there, sign the form agreeing to the change and send them a check for the amount of tax due by the deadline date given for compliance. Usually, penalties and interest will be added–so, the sooner you comply, the less it will cost.

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