
Articles Posted in IRS Audit Reconsideration


IRS Tax Audit Representation: reliable help 1-877-788-2937

If you or your company are being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, this is when proper IRS tax audit representation can help. Unfortunately, too many people believe that such representation is either unnecessary or having their CPA is good enough. And while having a trained tax preparer, an accountant,…


Have You Been Notified of an IRS Tax Audit? Help is Available.

About 1.1% of taxpayers are selected for a tax audit each year. The IRS examines tax returns to verify that the tax reported is correct. Some of those people are selected randomly, others have items on their returns which raise a red flag and trigger the audit. Whichever category you…


Red Flags that Might Trigger an IRS Tax Audit Part 2 of 2

Continued from our prior blog post. The Most Common IRS Red Flags that could trigger a Tax Audit: 16. Claiming 100% business use of a vehicle – When you depreciate a car, you have to list on IRS Form 4562 of what percentage of its use during the year that…


Red Flags that Might Trigger an IRS Tax Audit Part 1 of 2

No one really wants to be audited by the IRS. It’s time consuming, and quite frankly, a headache. You’ve probably wondered at some point who gets audited and why, as well as how you can avoid it. While there is no fool-proof way to avoid an audit; however, there are…



TAX AUDIT – DO IT SMOOTH It is not uncommon for the IRS to conduct a tax audit on a company any uncalled day. The very news that the IRS would be paying a visit can cause undue, unnecessary stress for any individual/ organization. While a tax audit is just routine procedure conducted…


Architects IRS Tax Audit Help Landscape Architects Examination

IRS Audit Overview Pre-audit Analysis An in-depth pre-audit analysis is essential to conducting a quality examination. IRS Examiners, Revenue Agents, should prepare a comparative analysis of the taxpayer’s returns for multiple years to assist in the identification of: • large, unusual and questionable items, • missing schedules, statements and/or elections…


Are vineyards eligible for expensing under Code Sec. 179?

Did you receive an IRS tax audit for your vineyard? Code Sec. 179 expensing has become a potent tax saver, thanks to current law’s $500,000 deduction ceiling. So it should come as no surprise that taxpayers and their advisers are on the lookout for assets that potentially qualify as Code…

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