If you or your company are being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, this is when proper IRS tax audit representation can help. Unfortunately, too many people believe that such representation is either unnecessary or having their CPA is good enough. And while having a trained tax preparer, an accountant, or even a CPA is beneficial, that all changes when the IRS decides to conduct an audit. There is an inherited conflict of interest between you the taxpayer and your CPA, the auditor – IRS Agent, can ask questions like who took this particular position on the tax return, will the CPA protect themselves or put you in a disadvantaged, awkward position. Hiring a representation firm is the way to go about IRS audit representation help.
Get a free evaluation today 1-877-78-TAXES [1-877-788-2937].
Of course, before you choose to get the proper audit representation from a tax firm, it is helpful to know why your tax returns were selected for an audit. Keep in mind that the IRS is required to randomly select from all tax returns a certain percentage that will be audited, even if there is nothing wrong with the return itself. Forms 1040, 1041, 1065, 1120, 1120S, Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F and other worksheets.
However, most IRS audits are conducted because there is something that does not add up, something that stands out which requires further investigation. This is when having the right IRS tax audit representation can really help.