What is an IRS Tax Settlement?
An IRS tax settlement is an agreement between you and the IRS regarding what you owe them. It is a negotiation where you pay an amount that is less than you originally owed. The IRS is often willing to take a deal rather than to have to continue to fight to get funds owed to them. This is especially true if it isn’t possible for the person or business to pay what is owed.
An IRS tax settlement also involves various penalties, interest, and fines being removed from what is owed. When all of that is added on, it can increase the overall debt dramatically. Many people don’t realize that they can offer an IRS tax settlement and get out from under that stressful situation.
While they do prefer to get the full amount of money that is due to them, they are realistic about it. They don’t want to be hassling people or businesses for money. They also know that you can’t get blood out of a turnip. Don’t ignore the IRS when they tell you that you owe them money. Instead, see what you can do through a tax settlement offer.