Articles Posted in Tax Help

Dear Client:

The following is a summary of important tax developments that have occurred in the past three months that may affect you, your family, your investments, and your livelihood. Please call us for more information about any of these developments and what steps you should implement to take advantage of favorable developments and to minimize the impact of those that are unfavorable.

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Businesses and individuals often require professional IRS help to resolve tax related issues. The tax laws, state and federal tend to be complicated and you rarely have a very good understanding of the laws as they pertain to you or your business. Unfortunately, the IRS has no sympathy for your lack of knowledge and will not accept that as a valid excuse.

IRS Help to Deal with the IRS issues

The Internal Revenue Service (or IRS) is the US government agency responsible for the implementation of the country’s tax laws. And one of the most important duties of the IRS is collection of all federal taxes as applicable. If the IRS suspects that you have not paid what is your rightful due towards taxation, they are within their legal rights to enforce collection actions such as tax levies and liens. It is best to get professional IRS help at the earliest to deal with your taxes effectively and resolve the issues before further escalation. The smart course of action is to contact a professional enrolled agent, CPA or tax lawyer to help you.

Get a free evaluation of your case at 877-788-2937.

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Running a business, managing a company is not a child’s play. Apart from being a good CEO or the Head of the Company, there are certain important things you have to figure out and reign in early when you first start your own business or running a company as you need to take care of your employees as well as their salaries thereof. Payroll taxes are the most important of them all. You have to know how to calculate and pay 941 payroll taxes before you set out to hire employees.

Payroll taxes can prove to be a headache for businessmen/CEO. Employers are required to file payroll taxes from an employee’s paycheck. Some are paid by both the business and the employees, while some are the responsibility of the business alone. Though it is not easy to file payroll taxes, you can however hire a professional to get 941 payroll tax help.

Get a free evaluation of your case at 877-788-2937.

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Did you miss another filing deadline? Do you owe back taxes? Are you being audited by the IRS?

I can help you resolve your tax matter so you can move on with your life.

Don’t let the IRS ruin your life and punish you with tax levies and liens. We offer IRS tax help to individual and business taxpayers. We can file all your unfiled tax returns; negotiate a settlement through small monthly installment payments, or lump-sum settlement.

Get IRS tax help today 877-788-2937.

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Employment Tax Problem? Get resolution today!

Los Angeles – San Francisco – New York – Chicago – Denver – Houston – Atlanta – Miami

Employment 940/941 Taxes

If you have your own business, there is plenty going on all the time. In addition to taking care of your customers, you have to take care of your employees. Payroll can be very difficult with the many scenarios, and that can lead to an employment tax problem. Don’t feel like you are alone though as 941 payroll tax problems are extremely common when it comes to the IRS and what they have to look into.

Get a free evaluation of your case at 877-788-2937.

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Have you managed to accumulate a substantially large tax debt ?


Are you looking for a tax representative such as tax attorney, EA enrolled agent, CPA to help you resolve all your complicated tax problems?

An effective and efficient tax attorney, EA enrolled agent, CPA can provide you comprehensive IRS help and resolve all your IRS tax problems, while looking out for all your interests. Tax problems are are common, and you need to understand that owing money to the IRS does not make a criminal!

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If you are seeking IRS Help because you are facing tax problems, then you are at the right place.  We are a tax representation firm and can assist you with things like 941 payroll tax, unfiled tax returns, back taxes, audits and even help you avoid or release tax levies and liens.

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The IRS just published this important piece to caution taxpayers on how to select the right professional for IRS help.

Do not fall for scams, a lot of advertisers on the radio, TV and the internet make tax settlement claims that are not correct or accurate. Be cautious and hire a licensed IRS professional, Enrolled Agent.

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Many companies advertise “heavily” on the radio, TV and the internet promising that they can resolve and settle any and all tax problems for pennies on the dollar or get you an 80-90% reduction.

BEWARE! I highly caution you to NOT call these advertisers.

Here is why you should not be ripped off by these unscrupulous companies,

What you need is an actual tax firm or law firm that specializes in tax representation. If any attorney states that ONLY lawyers could represent you before the IRS, beware and avoid this lawyer. You can be represented by Enrolled Agents (Tax experts, federally licensed and regulated by IRS directly), CPAs licensed by their respective states, or lawyers as licensed by their respective states.

Learn more about the IRS fresh start initiative.

Call us today at 877-788-2937 for a brief consultation.

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Dear Client & Perspective Client:

Year-end tax planning is especially challenging this year because Congress has yet to act on a host of tax breaks that expired at the end of 2013. Some of these tax breaks may be retroactively reinstated and extended, but Congress may not decide the fate of these tax breaks until the very end of this year (and, possibly, not until next year). These breaks include, for individuals: the option to deduct state and local sales and use taxes instead of state and local income taxes; the above-the-line-deduction for qualified higher education expenses; tax-free IRA distributions for charitable purposes by those age 70-1/2 or older; and the exclusion for up-to-$2 million of mortgage debt forgiveness on a principal residence. For businesses, tax breaks that expired at the end of last year and may be retroactively reinstated and extended include: 50% bonus first year depreciation for most new machinery, equipment and software; the $500,000 annual expensing limitation; the research tax credit; and the 15-year write-off for qualified leasehold improvements, qualified restaurant buildings and improvements and qualified retail improvements.

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