Beneficial owners can deduct home mortgage interest and taxes The Tax Court held that taxpayers were entitled to deduct mortgage interest and real estate taxes they paid on property owned by their son, because they were the beneficial owners of the property.

The taxpayers resided at the property for all of 2003. During that time, title to the property was in the name of their son, as was the mortgage on the property. Their son had obtained a mortgage loan and took title to the house to procure it for the taxpayers who were unable to secure a loan because of financial difficulties. The son did not live on the property, and the taxpayers paid for all maintenance of, and taxes on, the property. Mortgage payments from 2001 until the time of the trial were made through Camrock General Engineering, Co. Camrock was the taxpayers’ company; one taxpayer was its registered agent and the other its president. After the taxpayers moved from the residence, they served as landlords; they rented the property to a tenant and performed all services related to that tenancy

The taxpayers claimed on their 2003 federal income tax return deductions for home mortgage interest and real estate taxes of $3,522 and $3,194, respectively, on the residence property. The IRS contended that because the taxpayers had no legal obligation to make the mortgage payments and did not hold title to the property, they were not entitled to deduct the mortgage payments. The Service further argued that the taxpayers did not make the mortgage payments; the payments were made by Camrock.

USA & Malta sign new income tax treaty

[U.S. Treasury Press Release, 8/8/08]:

The U.S. Treasury Department has announced that a new income tax treaty between the United States and Malta was signed on Aug. 8, 2008 . The treaty will have withholding tax ramifications for U.S. citizens working in Malta and citizens of Malta working in the United States. The treaty has 29 articles. Article 2 states that the treaty applies to federal income taxes under the Internal Revenue Code, but excludes Social Security and unemployment taxes. Article 14 covers income from employment. Generally, income earned by a U.S. or Malta resident is exempt from income tax in the other treaty country if the resident was not in that country for more than 183 days of the taxable year.

California LLC fee again held invalid

Ventas Finance I LLC v. Calif. FTB, Cal. Ct. App., Dkt. Nos. A116277; A117751, 08/11/2008

The California Court of Appeal once again has ruled invalid the state fee imposed on limited liability companies (LLCs) under former Rev. & Tax. Cd. § 17942 (the “§ 17942 fee”). Affirming the lower court, the Appeal Court held that the § 17942 fee as applied to Ventas, an LLC that conducted business in California and other states, was not fairly apportioned and, therefore, violated the Commerce Clause because the levy was based on total income without apportionment to income attributable to, or derived from, California sources. The court rejected the Franchise Tax Board’s (FTB’s) request for judicial reformation of the former statute to allow an apportioned fee refund since Ventas did business in California and other states unlike in the earlier Northwest case (that held the fee invalid) where the LLC conducted no California business. However, the court concluded that neither federal due process nor any principle of California law requires the FTB to refund the entire amount that Ventas paid. Consequently, the refund should be limited to the amount Ventas paid for the years in issue that exceeds the amount that would have been assessed, without violating the Commerce Clause, using a method of fair apportionment. The postjudgment order awarding attorney fees was also reversed, and remanded for the lower court to redetermine eligibility and the amount of reasonable fees in light of the partial reversal of the lower court’s judgment.

IRS official pledges improved collection of billions in unpaid payroll taxes from businesses

WASHINGTON (AP) — A top IRS official promised Congress Tuesday that the agency “will do better” in collecting billions in taxes that businesses supposedly withheld from employees’ paychecks but never remitted to the government.

Linda Stiff, a deputy Internal Revenue Service commissioner, agreed with senators — who criticized the agency’s enforcement efforts — that the loss of about $58 billion in payroll taxes estimated to be owed the government is unacceptable. She said the IRS has made collecting those taxes a high priority.

While too high, the $58 billion “represents a snapshot of unpaid employment taxes” as part of a long-term improvement effort, Stiff testified at a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security Committee’s investigative panel. “Our numbers show dramatic improvement in the last several years, but we know we still have a long way to go.”

IRS targets U.S. source income paid to foreign persons IRM 4.10.21, U.S. Withholding Agent Examinations Form 1042

Mike Habib, EA

IRS has issued a new Internal Revenue Manual () section, IRM 4.10.21, U.S. Withholding Agent Examinations – Form 1042, on reporting and withholding requirements for U.S. source income that’s paid to foreign persons.

Court rebuffs IRS and allows policyholder to escape gain on demutualization

Eugene A. Fisher et al. v. U.S. (Ct Cl 8/6/2008) 102 AFTR 2d ¶ 2008-5150

The Court of Federal Claims has applied a variation of the open transaction doctrine with the result that a policyholder had no gain to report when it chose a cash option in connection with a demutualization of an insurance company. Under this option, the shares awarded to the policyholder were immediately sold by the company and the proceeds were then paid to the policyholder in cash. IRS said that the policyholder was taxable on the full amount of the gain without being able to allocate any of his basis in the contract to offset the sales proceeds. The Court allowed the policyholder to use his basis in the contract (which greatly exceeded the amount of the sales proceeds) to fully offset the proceeds and thus to report no gain.

New IRS settlement initiative for LILO and SILO transactions

Mike Habib, EA

IRS recently announced a settlement initiative for Lease-In/Lease-Out (LILO) and Sale-in/Lease-Out (SILO) transactions. Under this initiative, more than 45 of the nation’s largest corporations that participated in these shelters will receive a letter with an offer. Shelter participants will have 30 days to make a decision to accept the offer. Taxpayers would have to concede 80% of certain claimed tax breaks but they would not be hit with accuracy-related penalties.

Proposed regs explain strict charitable contribution substantiation & appraisal rules Preamble to Prop Reg 08/06/2008; Prop Reg § 1.170A-15, Prop Reg § 1.170A-16, Prop Reg § 1.170A-17, Prop Reg § 1.170A-18

Mike Habib, EA

IRS has issued proposed regs explaining the charitable contribution substantiation changes made by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (AJCA) and the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA). The proposed regs, which would be effective for contributions made after the date final regs are issued, also would provide guidance on what constitutes qualified appraisals and qualified appraisers for purposes of the substantial rules for noncash gifts.

Finance Chairman Baucus wants more action and details on IRS strategy to combat identity fraud [Press release dated Aug. 5]:

A recent IRS update on its Identity Protection Strategy has failed to satisfy the concerns of Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

The report, submitted to Baucus on July 21 by IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, was provided in response to a request the senator made at a committee hearing held in April. It summarized IRS’s efforts in three areas: assistance to taxpayers in resolving tax issues associated with identity theft; outreach to increase taxpayer awareness of identity theft; and prevention of identity theft by building programs to address the problem.

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