
Articles Posted in IRS Notice


CP 90 Final Notice Intent to Levy: Understanding Your IRS Notice or Letter

First and foremost, you must respond to any IRS Notice. If you receive a letter or notice from the IRS, it will explain the reason for the correspondence and provide specific instructions. Many of these letters and notices can be dealt with simply, without having to call or visit an…


Tax Relief Specialists: How to Find a Reliable Tax Professional

Tax relief experts have a job pretty similar in nature to specialists of any other field. For example, if you are traveling on the road and suddenly your car breaks down due to a mechanical fault, you cannot fix it without the service of an expert mechanic, unless you possess…


Tax Relief USA: IRS Tax Problems for American Citizens outside the United States

Tax relief USA is for the American citizens who are dwelling in the foreign countries. The taxation phenomenon becomes multifaceted and complex as you become taxable under the laws of two different countries. Most of the US expats do not know their rights and obligations as there is not much…


How to stop an IRS wage garnishment

If you have received an IRS wage garnishment notice, then the IRS is going to apply a levy deduction to your hard earned paycheck, it also means that the IRS notifies your employer that you have unpaid back taxes. Your employer is then required by law to withhold and send…


Tax Attorney Services for IRS Tax Problems

Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, happiness and sadness, success and obstacles, ups and downs. As a matter of fact, majority of people experience more sorrows and less pleasure during their lives. But there are some grave problems than can make you forget all other problems. IRS tax…


IRS Tax Audits: Payroll Tax Audit: Colleges IRS Audit

Employment and Payroll Tax Audit & Examination: The IRS announced its plan to audit the first 6,000 employment tax audits and small business will be their audit target. The IRS will start examining 2,000 companies every year over the next 3 years. The IRS will utilize its audit findings to…


Third Quarter 2010 Tax Developments – Part 3

Relief for homeowners with corrosive drywall. The IRS is allowing individuals with corrosive drywall to apply a safe harbor formula to treat the costs of repairing the defective drywall as a casualty loss. The safe harbor applies for original and amended federal income tax returns filed after Sept. 29, 2010.…


Third Quarter 2010 Tax Developments – Part 2

Guidance explains longer NOL carryback option for businesses. The IRS has issued guidance in a question and answer (Q&A) format to address a number of specialized issues that have arisen under the new optional longer net operating loss (NOL) carryback period that was provided by the Worker, Homeownership, and Business…

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